i need candy
Monday, March 29, 2010 8:50 PM
There's something about April, May, June that really pisses me off.
I don't really know why? Those 3 month from last year were the suckiest.
I don't really know what I want.
I know I want to win FAC,
I know I want the best for AISSSJAB corp.
However, I'm lacking the mood.
My mood's getting killed off gradually.
Things start to suck in life and it worsens my mood even further.
Please, whatever minute things that don't make sense to me.
Don't tick me off.
I feel like flaring up. I feel like I want to scream at all the hypocrisy and sarcasm.
But I don't to screw up my life. Please, please....
Beyond FAC, then what?
Win Gold? Go Nats? Waste more time?
How find time to study and play? Friends complain I CCA freak?
Then what? Maybe go SINMAL (bullshit, no way) ? Waste more more time.
I tell myself I need to get the reputation "go this comp, that comp etc etc -.-"
But what's the point?
Win Silver? Still have NDP? Maybe it's more meaningful.
Since I don't want to die down every Friday training finding no purpose in SJAB anymore.
Win Bronze? Oh please... you think I wish for that?
tsk tsk....
So what am i supposed to do?
Be Happy; Accept Life, don't turn it down?
I hope, really, really...
Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination
will take you everywhere.
i lie in the fields, awake
Friday, March 26, 2010 10:54 PM
Stars shine in the moonlit sky.
They come and go; Shimmer, then die.
You are over us, but who will ever look up to you?
Do you know how often we look at the sky?
And if we do, how well can we find you?
All these stars in the sky, they shine all the same.
Comes day; comes night.
You are not our only light.
Once the sun comes, you shine no more.
You can be the star much brighter,
does a flash of yours light forever?
You can be the star so higher,
but the ground will always stay.
Stars will will die off, disappear forever.
The ground will never shake.
Who will ever notice that?
meaningless, meaningless, i believe these matters are meaningless.
Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination
will take you everywhere.
Monday, March 22, 2010 7:01 PM
we are all human. i'm sorry.
Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination
will take you everywhere.
Saturday, March 20, 2010 10:02 PM
ask yourself, why are we even this state? we're all obviously aware but do we bother looking beyond each others expressions?
Do you want to feel helpless?
Do we want to go along this year helpless side by side?
Or do we stand together as one?
Question is:
How do we stand?
Do we work together?
Have we worked together?
How do we work together?
Working together through committee run decisions requires
Understanding and Trust and Communication
How does Understanding come about?
Through a clear organisation,
a organisation that allows smoothly run processes.
Through a clear a distinct leadership between people,
a leadership that will drive the committee in its decision.
How does Trust come about?
Through transparency,
such transparency that convinces us that we can work together.
However, how much transparent should we go?
Too much transparency or too little affects relations between people.
How does Communication come about?
Through initiative
an initiative that will allow processes to run even smoother;
an initiative of assistance.
Through leadership drives
a drive that will encourage the initiative;
not a drive that benefits the leaders themselves.
in a world where initiative doesn't exist and people believe in helping themselves, assistance is nonsense.
Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination
will take you everywhere.
beyond my expression
 9:49 PM
do you know how it feels, to know, everything is a lie, what fools we are...
I am very pissed. I don't know why and I don't know who's the greater fool. I don't know which side is correct, what sides even exist in the first place. I'm just very pissed, really, really.
What I'm going to write is very open, very transparent. I do not consider myself ignorant, I no longer consider myself neutral, neither am I on anyone's side, nor am I sure what I say is correct, nor I don't know what I want, which to choose.
Whatever that happens in front of you, are Lies. Hypocrites who made the greatest fools out of one another. I disgust them, I despise them. Technically, I believe I'm correct. Human instincts dictates we we all believe we are.
Once I was no one, I was in my own world believing in that false front of everyone being together, very happy or at the least, somewhat content with one another.
Wrong. Deep down, everyone's in a game of deception, backstabbing, scheming, politics, betrayal and espionage. How do I know this? I've just been recently been introduced to this world, this Game of theirs. I was made known of a back story, I guess I'm on my own to figure things out.
I registered.
Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination
will take you everywhere.
Friday, March 19, 2010 10:13 PM
first i'm stressful.
further more, and i'll turn depressed.
please, for my sake, fuck off.
Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination
will take you everywhere.
the paranoid web-user
Tuesday, March 16, 2010 4:23 PM
i study every single thing in internet society (ahem, if i have the free time)
and i can turn paranoid to the simplest actions.
firstly, a simple 5 word status message in Facebook or any social website, can be loudest message a person can make to the whole world.
If you bother thinking through why the hell post that status message? you'll realise it's about someone or something.
You'll start checking for credibility, corroboration with other status messages.
And in the end, perhaps you'll realise it's a very vague online love note to whoever, or even an insult.
secondly, the online/offline/busy/away statuses you make can be LIES.
especially the well-known "Appear Offline".
congrats, you're attempting to hide to millions of users, hundreds of friends, ten of the closest people.
but remember, once you perform an online action, let's say a facebook wall post, and people realise you're offline that point of time.
i'll elaborate on others in the future.
Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination
will take you everywhere.